Bannow & Rathangan Show, Killag

We were delighted to attend The Bannow & Rathangan Show earlier this month, a highlight of the year for us at Newline Oil as it’s a great way to get out and meet so many of our customers.  As always, the crowds were huge and people travelled from near and far for the day out.  The event is always extremely well organised and credit to the organisers for putting on such a show each year.  We are proud to be a local family business and support this once again.  We held a Prize Draw where we rea




Marian Barron
Grainne fox
Carol Dunphy
James White
Catherine Cleery
Elizabeth Whitty
Alex Scott-Frame
Edwina Doyle
Anne Flynn
Anne Byrne
Eddie warren
Kathleen Bolger
Emma Gabbett
Alice Kehoe
Kathleen Banville
John Banvill
James Murphy
Fergus McCormack
Kiera Kelly
Ansie Rath
Catherine Sinnott
Alannah Duggan
Peggie Colfer
Sheila Bent
Andy Rowe
Leanne Miller
Frank Stafford
Christine Murphy
Robert O’Connell
Katie Clark
Maria Byrne
Thomas Kavanagh
Noel Doyle
Mitch Cullen
Martin Winters
Kevin Newport
Liz Walsh
Gina Murphy
Maura Doyle
Bernard Holland